Where are all the warriors at?
Not the soldiers that pull out their guns at the drop of a hat
but the warriors who know there is a cost to the journey and are willing to pay the price
Where are all the warriors at?
Not the cowards that run and hide at the first sight of trouble
but the warriors that know how to put a stake in the ground and take a stand without apology
Where are all the warriors at?
Not the boys that are afraid to swim in the deep waters
but the warriors that are connected to their romantic hearts and can stand along side a strong woman
Where are all the warriors at?
Not the good boys that are strangers to their own humanity
but the wild men that are willing to meet you in the mud
Where are all the warriors at?
Not the weaklings that treat others with disrespect
but the Gods that have great love and respect for the person on the other side knowing they too are willing to die for their cause
Where are all the warriors at?
Not the lost ones who hide behind the feminine but the confident warriors who claim their own masculinity and in doing so commands the feminine to show up
Where are all the warriors at? Where have they gone? How do we find them again?