I was talking to one of my giant friends this past weekend and she was sharing her deep wisdom with me and she offered a question that I have been sitting with ever since: What if you prioritized your woman’s heart right now?
I love this question as I am transitioning to an empty nester. My parenting doesn’t need to be center stage anymore. I’m also feeling called into more work including international work but I’ve developed enough of a reputation that I don’t feel the need to chase work. My woman’s heart can take center stage now.
The first thing that I decided to do with this question is to write a list of what I see as desired being for my woman’s heart. Here is my list so far:
Spiritually Surrendered
Emotionally Intelligent
Financially Interdependent
Sexually Free
Relationally Rooted
Intellectually Curious
Wisdom Seeking
Joy Radiating
And know that I am not only loved, and lovable, but I am love itself.
I will continue to follow this thread and see how it grows in me.
Sooo ... this is quite the list. I was both fascinated and excited and immediately "copied and pasted" the list into my Notes ... kind of a digital commonplace book. I was immediately excited by the first item on the list: Spiritually Surrendered. Kind of where I started with Fire & Water. Big Love means Big Surrender. And Joy Radiating. Not just choosing joy. Joy actively Radiating. Pulsing. Like the beat of a heart. Of course, what occurs to me is that I should make my own list. But this list is so good!! So it's the place to start, at least. And see what thread unfolds.