There are things that show up in my life that have lessons that I come back to time and time again to drink from it’s watering hole of wisdom. My friend Krister Linder’s song The Great Surrender is one of those things. During a conversation one day with Krister we talked about all the ways we rebel from God. I have been thinking about this a lot lately.
I often say that I am obedient to spirit and for the most part that would be true but one of the ways that I most rebel is by dragging my feet on things that I know are mine to do even though we all know that eventually I’m going to do it. I don’t usually make a big scene, kicking and screaming as someone drags me out the door I just avoid, postpone, drag out, bake cookies (😂 ) whatever it takes to not say yes in that moment.
I see this in me in the way that I haven’t started my podcast yet even though I already have 4 guest lined up. I see it in another in the way that they sooth their wounds instead of reaching for help to heal them. I see it in all of us as we wait for each other to make the first moves before we lean in to heal our broken communities.
And as in the song, God’s love lets me/us rebel all along without ever withholding grace or love.
Enjoy the video above and the words below:
Source of all I am and all that is
I turn to you
And know that you hear me
As I come from you
And you dwell in me too
Every breath and beat i got from you
I’m you manifest
Through and through
So hear me now
I’m ready to
Surrender somehow
Lucifer calling
The mother and son
I’m tired of being angry
And too weary to run
Madly ironic
That only your love
Was giving me space
To chose to rebel at all
Forgive me
Centuries I’ve rehearsed what to say
But things cool down along the way
Oh the length we go
Just to keep a grudge
Though it poisons our soul
There were times I thought I was winning
When I had them all spinning
Spiralling down
Oh so simple though
Lucifer calling the father and son
I’m tired of being angry and
I long to come home
Crazy ironic
That only your love
Was giving me space
To chose to rebel at all
Say how you want it
You’re all that I got
Knowing I’m free
To suffer or not
Forgive me
Thank you again Krister for being a great artist, a good human being and a wonderful friend.