I was talking to a sister/friend last week and she said something to the effect of: The ancestors say that we can go after all that we want. But, they will provide all that we need and our needs are more than our wildest dreams.
This stopped me in my tracks. And I said to her, wait a minute. You have to say that again. She repeated it and I let it sink into my heart a bit deeper. I didn’t want to rush by this moment that felt like sacred wisdom to me.
I have often have thought what I wanted could show up more as my wildest dreams than my wildest needs. I never imagined that what I needed could be greater than my wildest dreams.
This has been working me ever since. I can only imagine its because what I need is connected to what I have promised to do this lifetime. Its connected to my life’s purpose. Its connected to my sacred contract. Its connected to my unique genius in the world.
What if I know this unconsciously and this is why I block the abundance and ease? What if this is how I avoid taking responsibility for what is mine to do?