I feel lots of transitions happening. Maybe they are always happening. One of the questions that Peter Block often asks is, “What is the crossroads that you are at?” What I love about this question is that it assumes that we are all always at a crossroad. This is in alignment with the integral theory concept of karma and creativity. Which says that every moment has in it everything that has happened before (karma). And every moment also has the opportunity to change direction (creativity).
I’m in transition in my home, my two 20+ year old young adults are moving back into my home, their dad is moving back to Colorado where we lived when we got married.
I’m in the middle of the 4th Fire & Water cohort and at the beginning of recruitment and interviews for the 5th Fir & Water cohort that starts in February 2025.
I’m in transition with Hope Springs Institute. In June I will step off the board and after the 6th cohort of Fire & Water we will find a new home.
My business is growing and there are lots of changes happening there including bringing more people on board, getting really clear that Nzuzu is an educational and spiritual growth and development organization, and designing a new website to support our work better.
I feel it in me personally. I am in transition. I can no longer stay with people, places, or things that don’t have real reciprocity. I have often said that I don’t work with people who can’t see me. As I continue to grow I grow in compassion, I understand more of why people are where they are, and I lessen in tolerance, I can’t be in the mess with them in the same way that I could before.
I starting to get that transitions are how we live our lives, moving from one thing to the next. I think the challenge is getting better at navigating them. For me this often means just getting out of the way. Paying attention to what is, what is emerging, and what has flow.
This is so true. A lot of people talk about "change" as though it is going from one static condition to a different one,but in my experience, life is so much more dynamic and fluid than that. ❤️