I am currently reading Women Who Run With the Wolves again. I was in a conversation a couple of nights ago with a small group of women about the book. During the conversation I said following your intuition isn’t enough when trauma leaves us with wounded instinct. One of the women asked what was the difference between intuition and instinct?
This is what I said:
Intuition comes from within, it required deep listening. After listening to your intuition you have a choice to act on what you heard or not.
Instinct is reactionary, it is a response to something. There isn’t a choice, it comes from within instantly, it is automatic.
As we continued the conversation this difference kept working me. The question that followed for me was, what is the deference between wounded instinct and healthy instinct?
This is what came to me.
Wounded Instinct is a reaction that is rooted in past experience. It is informed by our past traumas. The traumas that often teach us that up is down, right is left, and all kinds of other things that twist our view of what is really happening.
Healthy Instinct is rooted in the present moment. When we heal our wounded instinct it clears up our lens in which we hear our intuition through.
Trusting our intuition is not enough. Until we tend to our wounded instinct we don't have a clear picture of what is happening in the current moment.. If you think of your intuition as an arrow and your instinct as the bow you can see that no matter how clear your intuition is if you are sending it out into the world with a crooked bow you will never hit your target.