Since my children have been born I have had a Saturn (Regan), a Honda Odyssey (Maya), a Jeep (Libby), and now a Subaru Forester (Triton).
I have been thinking about how these vehicles have carried us and our stuff through life. Here are some of the places and things that are present with me today.
Bringing Jacob home from the hospital
Visiting grandparents in Cincinnati, Columbus, Kentucky, and Illinois
Public Allies office
To Arlett for preschool
Hope Springs Institute
Steve’s mom’s funeral
Bringing Makayla home from the hospital
To North Avondale Montessori (elementary)
Carseats, boosters, seat belts (Yea!)
My office downtown
To Sands Montessori (elementary)
Swapped cars for a week with the Hutchinson-Smyth family for several years, so they could volunteer in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina
Soccer cleats and dance shoes in the back
Soccer games and dance practice
Hula hoops & Stilts, unicycles, diablos, and juggling pins in the back
Moving stuff from one house to another
My mom’s funeral
Swim meets
Towels and wet swim suits,
Pajamas for late night at the pool
Red River Gorge
To the gym and the pool
Family and friends houses
Collaborative divorce lawyers offices
Trips to the courthouse
Back and forth from their dads house and mine after the divorce
To Clark Montessori (Jr & Sr High School)
Ukuleles, melodica, guitars, and steel drums
Doctors appointments
Jacob’s Covid caravan graduation
Taking Jacob to Earlham College for a visit
Taking Jacob to Earlham College and leaving him there his freshman year
Hocking Hills
Makayla’s graduation
Picking Jacob up for the airport when he came home from Spain
Lots of going to and from the airport, for trips and to pick up friends
These things tell a story about our lives. They are place holders for our memories. These cars have held and carried me and my babies through life. Where have your cars taken you?
Fun. In reverse order: Rav 4 (Sophia) -- trips to Canada; Honda Accord (Bessy) -- All of the kid years; the Honda was a 1999; Honda Odyssey -- dance recitals, trips to Canada, karate class, school driving pool. And a few others...
places i want to go like target and places i need to go like spring grove
Mostly, my cars have taken me to the mountains. Sometimes for a day trip. Sometimes so I can greet the sunrise at 14,000 feet. Sometimes, so I can gain the perspective only achieved with the view from the top of a mountain.